

  • 书生与农民

    2017-03-13 18:07:16
  • 一分钟一块钱

    一分钟一块钱A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.一天,教授正在给学生们监考。他发下试卷,然后回到...
    2017-02-27 17:39:11
  • 阿基米德与圆柱容球

    阿基米德与圆柱容球 阿基米德(Archimedes)于公元前287年出生在意大利半岛南端西西里岛的叙拉古,公元前212年于同地被害。近代数学史家倍尔(EricTempleBell,1883~1960)曾说过:"任何一张关于有史以来最伟大的数学家的名单...
    2017-02-27 17:39:07
  • 职业选择与幸福寻找

    职业选择与幸福寻找In the curious custom of this venerable institution, I find myself standing before you expected to impart words of lasting wisdom. Here I am in a pulpit, dressed li...
    2017-02-27 17:39:03
  • 莎丽爱购物

    莎丽爱购物Shelly went shopping for a shirt.She bought a shirt with a shark."Nice shirt, Shelly!"Shelly went shopping for shoes.She bought shoes with shells. "Nice shoes, Shelly!"Shelly ...
    2017-02-27 17:39:00
  • 一个淘气的小男孩约翰尼

    一个淘气的小男孩约翰尼 One day, Johnny came home from school looking very sad.His mother asded,”What is wrong?”Out of his pocket(衣袋)Johnny took a note from the teacher that said,”J...
    2017-02-27 17:38:56
  • 我最好的朋友

    我最好的朋友 一直以来,我都很想有一只小狗。搬家后,当室友把这只小狗带来时,我知道我儿时的梦想终于实现了。我喜欢它每天跟在我脚边,甚至跟我进浴室,我喜欢每天清晨醒来听到它的小爪子挠地板的声音……它已经成了我最好...
    2017-02-27 17:38:49
  • 简单的一天

    简单的一天 To wake up in the morning, knowing I am still alive,在清晨醒来,知道自己仍然活着,To know I have a choice each day,starting afresh,明白每天都有选择的权利,可以重新开始,To fin...
    2017-02-27 17:38:45
  • 采购过早

    采购过早 It was the Christmas Day and the judge of Britain was in a good mood as he questioned the prisoner. “What are you charged with?” he asked。“Doing my christmas shopping...
    2017-02-27 17:38:42
  • 机器人也吃饭

    机器人也吃饭Robots are supposed to run on batteries, right? Well, not all of them.Scientists in England have built a series of small robots that get their energy from dead flies, ro...
    2017-02-27 17:38:38
  • 外语的重要性

    外语的重要性A cat and her four kittens ran into a large dog. When the kittens cowered, the cat let out a series of loud barks, scaring the dog away.Turning to her kittens, the ca...
    2017-02-27 17:38:35
  • 下次,锻炼前请来点儿咖啡

    下次,锻炼前请来点儿咖啡 Coffee before biking? You may have to stop on the side of the road sooner, but new research suggests that caffeine can help you get more bang from your wor...
    2017-02-27 17:38:31
  • 从脚下抽走地毯

    从脚下抽走地毯 有这样一句话:“I felt myself falling to the ground as if some one had pulled carpet out from under me.”若按字面意思译,全句就是“我不由自主地跌倒了,就好像有人从我脚下抽走了地...
    2017-02-27 17:38:28
  • 小心!手机病毒

    小心!手机病毒Cell Phones Relatively Safe from Viruses...... For Now.We can get viruses from the Internet. But can we catch viruses on our cell phones? A new study in the journal Sc...
    2017-02-27 17:38:24
  • 几何之父欧几里德

    几何之父欧几里德 我们现在学习的几何学,是由古希腊数学家欧几里德(公无前330—前275)创立的。他在公元前300年编写的《几何原本》,2000多年来都被看作学习几何的标准课本,所以称欧几里德为几何之父。欧几里德生于雅典,接...
    2017-02-27 17:38:17